So I have to head back to Riobamba soon, although as you can see from the countdown I´ve put up to the right I won´t be there much longer. I really like being in Quito this weekend, and being able to discuss politics and philosophy with my host mom here. One of the things I most enjoyed talking about was machoism, assertive or aggressive manliness; get ready, this is gonna be a lesson-y blog.
I already knew that machoism in Ecuador is pretty bad; in 2006 42% of all Ecuadorian women had experienced violence in their life. What startled me during my discussion with my host mom was that she felt that women were to blame, because they would not defend or stand up for themselves like she has done with her own spouse in the past and because men are by nature macho. Fortunately we came to the conclusion that since machoism is learned behavior from parents its really a societal problem.
Now my mom said that we dont have that sort of problem in the US, and I was inclined to agree, certainly not to the extent in Ecuador. But then I decided to rethink that. At first I couldnt really think of any examples, until I started to think about it more like racism. I´m sure all of you already know about how racism is still active in US society today, especially through subtle stereotyping, and I realized machoism persists in the US in a similar manner. Nowadays a lot of the old stereotypes are being proven way wrong: women CAN drive, women CAN play sports, effetively women CAN do anything men can do and better. But I think there is an underlying notion that women are still supposed to be somehow fragile and dainty on top of that, and moreover, men are not supposed to be this way. However, when I think about it I consider myself rather fragile and dainty. Even I feel that statement is somewhat strange, and I´m sure there´s something uncanny about it for many of you as well. I ask why?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
My study abroad program has coordinated a thanksgiving day celebration for us today in Quito, which is where I am now, back with my family there. Ill be heading back to Riobamba Saturday, so Im going to have some free time in Quito, which will be nice. Think I might try to finish up my souvenir shopping...
Uploading videos is long
Im amazed I was able to do it so easily in Quito. When I was uploading the vido of my tv interview the cafe closed early cuz I was the only one in it, just waiting for that thing to load. Instead, I have uploaded some pictures of my tv interview along with a snow angel I made yesterday on Chimborazo, the largest volcano in Ecuador. There was so much snow it reminded me of home... and then it was sunny today and I realized I dont really miss snow at all.
To elaborate some things, the community health department of the hospital i work in is also the public relations department, so my coordinator had the tv interview on one of the two local channels, and decided to bring me and the other student to talk about what we did. I was of few words, naturally since it was in Spanish.
Also, the video of me getting rubbed with eggs. Yeah if you havent watched that yet you should, its educational and funny. The process is called ´limpia con huevos´ or cleaning with eggs, although its also a diagnostic. The eggs are supposed to absorb ones negative energy so the lady in the video shakes the eggs to figure out what is wrong with me. The diagnosis: mal aire, or bad, evil air, which that day was the cause of a headache I didnt know I had. Fun fact: it was also the cause of my stomach problems in punin according to my mom there, so she did the same thing to me one night. She thought I got it from the cemetery I went to earlier that night. Personally I prefer ´limpia con plantas´ or cleaning with plants; it smells nicer and at the end the yachak, or medicine man, breaths fire at you to clear away the negative energy, which I feel is more thorough.
To elaborate some things, the community health department of the hospital i work in is also the public relations department, so my coordinator had the tv interview on one of the two local channels, and decided to bring me and the other student to talk about what we did. I was of few words, naturally since it was in Spanish.
Also, the video of me getting rubbed with eggs. Yeah if you havent watched that yet you should, its educational and funny. The process is called ´limpia con huevos´ or cleaning with eggs, although its also a diagnostic. The eggs are supposed to absorb ones negative energy so the lady in the video shakes the eggs to figure out what is wrong with me. The diagnosis: mal aire, or bad, evil air, which that day was the cause of a headache I didnt know I had. Fun fact: it was also the cause of my stomach problems in punin according to my mom there, so she did the same thing to me one night. She thought I got it from the cemetery I went to earlier that night. Personally I prefer ´limpia con plantas´ or cleaning with plants; it smells nicer and at the end the yachak, or medicine man, breaths fire at you to clear away the negative energy, which I feel is more thorough.
Today´s media blowout was brought to you by...
an internet cafe. They are so awesome, its taken me ten minutes to upload the amount of photos it would have taken several hours to upload in the hospital.
Sincethat last post of mine was the peak of whiny bloginess, I decided to upload a bunch of pictures and video tonight. The video Im trying to upload is taking awhile, but I think itll be worth the wait. Its a part of my first TV interview, and of course it just had to be in Spanish. I was just sort of brought along to talk about the things I do as one of the many foreigners the hospital employs. I didnt really get a chance to change clothes, so I am of course wearing my trademark hoodie. That thing has been just about everywhere now.
Sincethat last post of mine was the peak of whiny bloginess, I decided to upload a bunch of pictures and video tonight. The video Im trying to upload is taking awhile, but I think itll be worth the wait. Its a part of my first TV interview, and of course it just had to be in Spanish. I was just sort of brought along to talk about the things I do as one of the many foreigners the hospital employs. I didnt really get a chance to change clothes, so I am of course wearing my trademark hoodie. That thing has been just about everywhere now.
Under Control... And Yet...
So I had a fun weekend, like a really fun weekend, perhaps highlighted that by the fact that my stomach can tolerate ice cream again. Yet I had so much fun that I realized that I'm kind of bored here. Not bored of my work mind you, as little experience I have in teaching English I enjoy teaching, and while the lack of materials makes it more difficult I appreciate the challenge. Besides, I found an empty room in the hospital that has an Ethernet jack that nobody uses, and I got permission to use to it! Although the only cable they had available is a foot long so I'm hunched over my laptop on a chair and it's starting to hurt my back, I find myself not wanting to go home.
Possibly because I wouldn't actually be going to my home but rather my host great-grandma's home, and despite the fact that she has a flat screen TV, DVD player, and comfortable chairs, I've watched all the movies on her one DVD consisting of all the Shreks, Stuart Littles and Lion Kings. My host brother and sister, 5 and 10 respectively, certainly enjoyed my willingness to watch them all with them though.
Possibly because I get home when my host mom gets back from work between 6 and 8 and then I have to watch her cook and clean and help my host siblings with their homework and of course the five year throws the same temper tantrum about it every night and calls her a witch even though she's the only thing keeping him from becoming one of those children selling gum in the streets and its such a depressing sight that I've just started staying in my room and watching TV shows and movies on my laptop. And no I'm not going to change families AGAIN. Besides we have fun on the weekends.
No, it's not so much that I don't want to go home so much as I don't want to leave here. And I don't think I'm really bored, so much as I desire social diversion. No that's not code for 'I want to party' although it does sound like it. For example this weekend I watched a movie in English WITH someone instead of just with a bag of snacks. I haven't even really had the chance to just talk to somebody in English informally, and I guess that's why I've written so much here. I should go now, but it's raining so I hesitate. I guess it's better than snowing like in MPLS. Right I was supposed to be going okay here I go.
Possibly because I wouldn't actually be going to my home but rather my host great-grandma's home, and despite the fact that she has a flat screen TV, DVD player, and comfortable chairs, I've watched all the movies on her one DVD consisting of all the Shreks, Stuart Littles and Lion Kings. My host brother and sister, 5 and 10 respectively, certainly enjoyed my willingness to watch them all with them though.
Possibly because I get home when my host mom gets back from work between 6 and 8 and then I have to watch her cook and clean and help my host siblings with their homework and of course the five year throws the same temper tantrum about it every night and calls her a witch even though she's the only thing keeping him from becoming one of those children selling gum in the streets and its such a depressing sight that I've just started staying in my room and watching TV shows and movies on my laptop. And no I'm not going to change families AGAIN. Besides we have fun on the weekends.
No, it's not so much that I don't want to go home so much as I don't want to leave here. And I don't think I'm really bored, so much as I desire social diversion. No that's not code for 'I want to party' although it does sound like it. For example this weekend I watched a movie in English WITH someone instead of just with a bag of snacks. I haven't even really had the chance to just talk to somebody in English informally, and I guess that's why I've written so much here. I should go now, but it's raining so I hesitate. I guess it's better than snowing like in MPLS. Right I was supposed to be going okay here I go.
A Drastic Change of Pace
So so much has happened this past week I have had no chance to blog, but now I do but I dont know for how long so Im gonna try to be quick about it. First, last monday I started having stomach problems, then they went away so I could wish Jonathan a happy birthday, then they came back with a vengeance and I had to go to the hospital I work at as a patient. It wasnt very bad, I got better midday but i still had to continue with rehydration therapy so I started walking around the hospital with an iv stand. Suffice it to say, I had to change families later that day because on top of that, the hives never went away. Naturally because this Monday i was finally able to see the dermatologist and he told me that i actually was having an allergic reaction to mites, so now im having to take medicine for that too. I am now living in the city of Riobamba instead of the countryside, although I aready went back to visit my family there once and plan to do so again. Tomorrow Im off to latacunga to visit a friend who studied in the us for a year about a couple years ago, stayed with Jacob and his family. It is a small world after all, I guess. Especially since yesterday I went even farther outside of Riobamba with a Japanese health organization to do a workshop about nutrition. Just about every point of the day there were three different languages flying around, four if you count quichwa, an indigenous language. Speaking of language, tomorrow Ill be starting to teach a series of english classes at a school higher up in the mountains. I hope to work health concepts into them of course. With all the moving around I havent been able to have much time on the internet, nor do I plan to have much time in the coming weeks, although id like to find one day to just sit down and upload pictures and video. Anyway, phew, looks like I did have time after all. Time for Facebook.
Happy Birthday Jonathan DeYoung!
I know you like hats, so for your birthday, I got you a traditional Ecuadorian sombrero! All the cool cats are wearing them these days!
Well at least in rural Ecuador as far as I've seen. I'm sure you'll find some style to work it into though. Maybe you'll be able to wear it around Argentina next semester! Anyway, have fun this weekend!

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